Increase the Usability of Your Yard

Increase the Usability of Your Yard

Landscaping is often seen as an aesthetic endeavor, but it’s much more than that. Properly designed landscaping can significantly increase the usability of your yard, turning it into a functional space for relaxation, entertainment, and everyday living. Whether you have a small urban backyard or a sprawling suburban garden, thoughtful landscaping can transform your outdoor area into an extension of your home. Here are some ideas and tips to help you achieve a practical and beautiful yard.

Assess Your Needs and Wants

Increase the Usability of Your BackyardBefore you start any landscaping project, it’s crucial to understand what you want from your yard. Consider the following questions:

  • Do you need a play area for children?
  • Are you looking to create an outdoor dining space?
  • Do you want to grow your own vegetables or herbs?
  • Are you interested in creating a habitat for local wildlife?

Identifying your priorities will guide your landscaping decisions and help you create a yard that meets your practical needs.

Define Functional Zones

Outdoor relaxation sitting area a touch of dutch landscapingDivide your yard into functional zones based on your identified needs. For example:

  • Play Zone: A safe, open area with soft ground cover, such as grass or rubber mulch, for children to play.
  • Dining and Entertaining Zone: A patio or deck with seating, a dining table, and possibly a grill or outdoor kitchen.
  • Garden Zone: Raised beds or designated plots for growing vegetables, herbs, and flowers.
  • Relaxation Zone: A quiet corner with comfortable seating, a hammock, or a water feature for relaxation.

Creating distinct zones ensures that each area serves a specific purpose and helps organize the space efficiently.

Incorporate Pathways

Add natural stone pathways to backyard to increase usabilityPathways are essential for navigating your yard comfortably and safely. They connect different zones and add structure to your landscape. Choose materials that complement your yard’s style, such as natural stone, gravel, or pavers. Make sure the paths are wide enough for easy movement and, if necessary, accessible for strollers or wheelchairs.

Take Advantage of Vertical Space

Maximize your yard’s usability by leveraging vertical space. This is particularly useful for small yards where horizontal space is limited. Consider the following ideas:

  • Vertical Gardens: Use trellises, wall-mounted planters, or vertical garden systems to grow plants upwards instead of outwards.
  • Climbing Plants: Train climbing plants like ivy, roses, or clematis to cover fences, walls, or pergolas, adding greenery without taking up ground space.
  • Hanging Baskets: Add hanging baskets for flowers or herbs to free up ground space while adding beauty and functionality.

Choose Multi-Functional Elements

Multifunctional landscaping elements retaining wall with raised flowerbedsOpt for landscaping elements that serve multiple purposes to make the most of your space. Some examples include:

  • Seating Walls: Low retaining walls can double as seating areas during gatherings.
  • Planter Benches: Benches with built-in planters provide seating and greenery.
  • Pergolas: Pergolas can offer shade, support climbing plants, and define outdoor rooms.

Install Water Collection and Efficient Irrigation Systems

An efficient irrigation system ensures your plants get the right amount of water without wasting resources. Consider drip irrigation or soaker hoses for garden beds, and opt for smart irrigation controllers that adjust watering schedules based on weather conditions. Efficient watering not only keeps your plants healthy but also saves you time and effort.

Embrace Low-Maintenance Landscaping

Low-maintenance landscaping with perennialsLow-maintenance landscaping allows you to enjoy your yard without spending all your free time on upkeep. Here are some tips:

  • Choose Native Plants: Native plants are adapted to your local climate and soil, requiring less water and maintenance.
  • Use Mulch: Mulching garden beds helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and improve soil health.
  • Opt for Perennials: Perennial plants come back year after year, reducing the need for replanting.

Add Lighting

Outdoor lighting extends the usability of your yard into the evening and enhances safety and security. Consider the following options:

  • Path Lights: Illuminate pathways to prevent trips and falls.
  • String Lights: Add a warm, inviting glow to seating and dining areas.
  • Spotlights: Highlight key features, such as trees, sculptures, or water features.

Create Privacy

Privacy is essential for a comfortable and enjoyable yard. Create privacy by using fencing, hedges, or screens to create secluded areas. Tall plants, trellises with climbing vines, or decorative panels can also add privacy without making the space feel closed off.

Incorporate Sustainable Practices

Sustainable landscaping practices benefit both your yard and the environment. Some ideas include:

  • Rainwater Harvesting: Collect rainwater in barrels for use in irrigation.
  • Composting: Compost kitchen scraps and yard waste to create nutrient-rich soil for your garden.
  • Xeriscaping: Use drought-tolerant plants to reduce water consumption.

By thoughtfully designing your landscape with functionality in mind, you can create a yard that enhances your lifestyle and meets your practical needs. Whether you’re looking to entertain, grow your own food, or simply relax, a well-planned yard can become a valuable extension of your living space. Happy landscaping!

Would you like more specific tips or information on any particular aspect of yard landscaping? Contact us for professional landscaping services.

Bubbling Rocks

Bubbling Rocks

A Serene Addition to Your Outdoor Living Space

Bubbling rocks, also known as bubbling boulders or water rocks, are a charming and naturalistic feature that can transform any garden or outdoor living area into a tranquil oasis. These unique water features have been gaining popularity among homeowners and garden enthusiasts for their aesthetic appeal, low maintenance, and environmental benefits.

What Are Bubbling Rocks?

Bubbling rocks are essentially stones or boulders with holes drilled through them, allowing water to bubble up from within and cascade gently over the surface. The water is typically recirculated using a hidden reservoir and pump system, creating a continuous, soothing flow. Available in various sizes, shapes, and materials, bubbling rocks can be customized to fit any garden design, from modern minimalist landscapes to lush, naturalistic settings.

Enhancing Your Outdoor Living Area

backyard simple water features pondless waterfall natural stone fountainAesthetic Appeal: Bubbling rocks add a focal point to your garden, creating visual interest and a sense of movement. The sight and sound of bubbling water provide a calming ambiance, making your outdoor space a perfect spot for relaxation and contemplation.

Soothing Sounds: The gentle gurgling of water can mask unwanted noises from traffic or neighbors, creating a serene environment. This natural white noise can also enhance your overall well-being by reducing stress and promoting mental clarity.

Natural Beauty: Bubbling rocks blend seamlessly with the natural elements of your garden. Whether surrounded by vibrant flowers, lush greenery, or nestled among other stones and pebbles, they enhance the organic feel of the space.

Attracting Bees and Butterflies

bubbling rocks water feature backyard oasis gurgling soundOne of the lesser-known benefits of bubbling rocks is their ability to attract beneficial insects, particularly bees and butterflies. These creatures are vital for pollination, and their presence can significantly enhance the health and vibrancy of your garden.

Water Source: Bees and butterflies need water just like any other living creature. The shallow pools and moist surfaces of bubbling rocks provide an ideal drinking spot, especially during hot and dry periods.

Pollinator Habitat: The constant water supply and the humid environment around bubbling rocks can create a microhabitat that supports various plants and flowers, further attracting these pollinators.

Increased Activity: The movement and sparkle of water can attract bees and butterflies, drawing them into your garden where they can pollinate your plants, ensuring a flourishing and productive garden.

Maintenance Tips for Bubbling Rocks

backyard simple water features pondless waterfall natural stone fountainTo keep your bubbling rocks functioning optimally and to maintain their visual appeal, regular maintenance is essential. Here are some tips to ensure your water feature remains in top condition:

Regular Cleaning: Debris such as leaves, dirt, and algae can accumulate in the water and on the rock surface. Regularly clean the pump, reservoir, and the rock itself to prevent blockages and maintain water flow.

Water Levels: Ensure the reservoir has sufficient water to keep the pump submerged and operating efficiently. Check water levels regularly, especially during hot weather when evaporation rates are high.

Pump Maintenance: Inspect the pump periodically to ensure it is working correctly. Clean the pump’s intake and impeller to remove any obstructions that might affect performance.

Algae Control: Algae can be a common issue in water features. Use algaecides or natural treatments like barley straw to control algae growth. Regular cleaning and water treatment can prevent the buildup of algae and keep the water clear.

Seasonal Care: In colder climates, it’s crucial to winterize your bubbling rock feature. Drain the water and disconnect the pump to prevent damage from freezing temperatures. Cover the feature with a protective cover to keep it clean during the off-season.

Incorporating bubbling rocks into your outdoor living area enhances its aesthetic and sensory appeal. It blends into your environment and can be designed to suit a range of styles. With minimal maintenance, these beautiful water features can provide years of enjoyment and relaxation. If you’d like to get started with a bubbling rock for your backyard, give us a call!

Landscape Lighting

Landscape Lighting

Landscape lighting can have a dramatic impact on the overall look and feel of the areas around your home. Not only does it add visual appeal, but it also increases safety and security, allowing you to enjoy your garden and patio any time of day or night. Good lighting design can help you create a welcoming atmosphere that enhances the natural beauty of your landscape.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the different types and benefits of landscape lighting available and how to choose the right lighting for your specific needs. Whether you’re looking to highlight specific features or create ambiance, there are lighting types and strategies that can help you achieve your goals.

Store-Bought vs. Custom Landscape Lighting

Backyard lighting around pool gazebo pathways

There are myriad landscape lighting solutions available online and at major retail outlets these days. Many of them are solar-powered or battery-operated. Although these options are easy to install, they do have a few drawbacks:

  1. Low quality/intensity of light – This is especially true with the battery- and solar-powered lights. These can make a tree or structure look nice, but they’re generally not strong enough to adequately light walkways or outdoor living areas.
  2. Durability – With landscape lighting, you generally get what you pay for. If you want something quick and inexpensive, just be prepared to replace your lighting every year or two. If you’d prefer something that is going to last for years, you may want to invest in proper lighting and installation.
  3. Insufficient coverage – Because these retail lighting options are off the shelf, you may get a light set that doesn’t offer the exact length or number of lights you need for the area you want to illuminate. So, you must choose to either have a dark gap in the area covered or purchase an extra set to get the desired coverage.

The first step to creating a beautiful, illuminated landscape is to decide on the right type of lighting. There are many different types of lighting available, and your choice will depend largely on the look you’re trying to achieve. Some popular choices include accent lighting, path lights, floodlights, patio lighting, and water feature lighting.

Types of Lighting for Your Outdoor Areas

  1. illuminating backyard pathways with landscaping lightingPath Lighting: Path lighting is typically used to illuminate walkways, driveways, and other paths throughout your property. It can be used to create a subtle, welcoming ambiance or to guide visitors safely to your home.
  2. Accent Lighting: Accent lighting is used to highlight specific features of your landscaping, such as trees, shrubs, and statues. It can be used to create a dramatic effect by casting shadows and creating depth.
  3. Flood Lighting: Flood lighting is used to illuminate large areas, such as a backyard or a garden. It can be used to create a bright, welcoming ambiance or to highlight specific features of your landscaping.
  4. Deck and Patio Lighting: Deck and patio lighting can extend the use of outdoor living spaces by providing illumination for dining, entertaining, and other activities. It can also create a cozy atmosphere for nighttime relaxation.
  5. Water Feature Lighting: Water feature lighting can enhance the beauty of your pool, pond, or fountain by creating a stunning visual effect. It can also provide safety by illuminating potentially hazardous areas around the water feature.

Benefits of Landscape Lighting

  1. water feature landscape lighting ambient backyard lighting ornamental grassesSecurity – Landscape lighting can enhance security by illuminating entryways, driveways, and pathways. It can also deter potential intruders by illuminating dark areas around your property.
  2. Safety – Properly placed landscape lighting can prevent accidents by illuminating stairs, pathways, and uneven terrain.
  3. Aesthetic appeal – Landscape lighting can enhance the beauty of your property by highlighting architectural features, trees, and other landscaping elements.
  4. Functionality – Landscape lighting can extend the use of outdoor spaces by providing illumination for outdoor dining, entertaining, and other activities, as natural light begins to wane.
  5. Increased property value: Well-designed landscape lighting can add value to your property by enhancing its curb appeal and creating a more inviting atmosphere.

No matter which type of landscape lighting you choose, it’s important to make sure that the fixtures are properly installed and wired for safety. This will help ensure optimum performance and reduce energy consumption. Additionally, be sure to position your lights strategically so that they don’t create shadows or glare—this will also help keep your outdoor space safe and inviting.

By choosing the right type of landscape lighting for your home, you can transform your outdoor area into a beautiful oasis that provides security while enhancing its natural beauty both day and night. With careful consideration and expert installation techniques, you’ll be well on your way to creating a stunning outdoor space that you’ll enjoy for years to come.

Five Ways to Attract Wildlife to Your Backyard

Five Ways to Attract Wildlife to Your Backyard

If you are looking for ways to attract wildlife to your backyard, then you have come to the right place! In this blog post, we’ll be exploring different methods for attracting and nurturing wildlife in an eco-friendly way. We will discuss how native plants can provide food and habitat, which water sources are best suited for animals, how to create safe shelters, and much more. By the end of this blog post, you’ll have all the tips and tricks required to turn your backyard into a thriving habitat for various types of animals.

Plant a variety of native plants that provide food and habitat.

attract wildlife to your backyard with native plants foxglove bees pollinatorsPlanting a variety of native plants is one of the best ways to attract wildlife to your backyard. Native plants provide food in the form of berries and nuts, as well as providing shelter and nesting materials. They also help to increase biodiversity, which helps promote healthier ecosystems for animals to thrive in. Planting native trees, shrubs, wildflowers, and grasses will create a space that allows for birds, insects, and other animals to find food and shelter from predators. Not only do these plants have benefits for wildlife but they require less maintenance than non-native plants since they are accustomed to the local soil conditions and climate.


Provide water sources, such as bird baths and small ponds.

Provide water source for wildlife pollinators pond waterfall bubblerProviding a source of water is essential for wildlife in your backyard. Bird baths and small ponds are excellent methods of providing a source of water. Not only do they help to attract birds and other animals, but they also give them a safe source of hydration. If you are looking to create a bird bath or pond, make sure it is shallow enough that there is no risk of drowning.Additionally, place rocks or pebbles in the water to provide areas where animals can drink safely without having to enter the water. One caveat: ensure your water source doesn’t freeze over by keeping water moving (with a bubbler or waterfall) or add a small heater to keep it usable. By adding these water sources you will be able to keep birds and other animals safe, hydrated, and happy in your backyard.


Keep pets indoors or away from areas of wildlife activity.

Keep pets indoors to avoid scaring off wildlife from your backyardKeeping pets indoors or away from areas of wildlife activity is an important part of protecting wildlife in your backyard. Cats and dogs may be attracted to the small animals in your yard, such as birds, rodents, or other creatures. It is best to keep these pets inside or restrain them while they are outside so they do not disturb or harm any wildlife.Additionally, make sure that any outdoor dog runs are not set up in areas where wildlife likes to rest and feed. By taking these extra steps you can ensure that both your pets and the local wildlife stay safe and happy.


Create a shelter for wildlife with logs, brush piles, birdhouses, and nesting boxes.

Creating a shelter for wildlife can be a great way to improve your backyard habitat. Logs, brush piles, birdhouses, and nesting boxes are all excellent places for animals to take refuge from harsh weather or predators. Logs provide shelter underneath and can also be used by birds as perching spots.Brush piles offer animals tall grasses and shrubs to hide in while keeping warm. Birdhouses and nesting boxes give birds and small animals a safe place to build their homes. All of these structures will help create an inviting environment for wildlife in your backyard.

Leave some areas of your garden undisturbed.

undisturbed flower garden hyacinth daffodils hummingbird mothProviding undisturbed areas in your garden is a great way to support local wildlife. By leaving some areas of your garden untouched, you are giving animals the chance to make their own homes without interruption from people or pets.This can take the form of wild patches of grass, untended corners of your yard, or piles of sticks and logs that provide harborage for small creatures. Even if it seems like doing nothing is best, keeping these areas free from human activity and disturbance will be beneficial to the wildlife that makes use of them.

With a few simple changes and an open mind, you can transform your backyard into a hub of biodiversity, where birds, amphibians, mammals, and insects come together to build their homes. Create shelters with logs, brush piles, birdhouses, and nesting boxes to attract wildlife to your backyard. Leave some areas of your garden undisturbed for animals to make their own homes. Once you get started on making your backyard more wildlife-friendly, there’s no telling all the types of critters that will call it home.

Increase Your Home’s Value with Landscaping

Increase Your Home’s Value with Landscaping

With the current circumstances – stay-at-home orders and a crazy local housing market – many homeowners are opting to invest in their homes. Money that would otherwise be spent on travel, entertainment, consumer goods, etc. is directed instead to home improvement.

Done right, this can potentially increase a home’s value. However, the value of your home isn’t just about what you can get for it when you sell, but also the enjoyment you get out of it while you live there. So, let’s discuss a few ways to enhance both your quality of life and the monetary value of your home.

Curb Appeal

improve curb appeal to increase the value of your homeIf you search online for ways to increase a home’s value, one method that almost invariably tops the list is to increase your home’s curb appeal. After all, the front of your home provides the first impression for potential buyers, whether they’re passing by or viewing your home online.

Improving curb appeal doesn’t have to be complicated. The most important thing to do is keep things tidy by weeding, edging, and mulching your flowerbeds, pruning your trees and shrubs when appropriate, and aerating, fertilizing, and dethatching your lawn.

Minimal Maintenance

Low maintenance perennials with mulch and stone walkwayIf you’re looking to upgrade your home’s exterior – front, sides, or back – consider updates that will enhance livability, functionality, and practicality. Not only will this maximize your enjoyment, but when it comes time to sell, potential buyers will be able to see themselves relaxing in, rather than working on, the yard and gardens.

One way to add low-maintenance beauty to your landscape, is to include native varieties among the trees, shrubs and plants you choose. Native Ontario plant species are well-acclimated to our conditions, so require very little extra care over that which Mother Nature provides. Native species also attract native birds and smaller pollinators, which is an added bonus.


Hardscaping stone patio and surrounding flowerbeds improve outdoor living area and add valueWalkways, patios, and retaining walls are gratifying additions to a home’s exterior. In keeping with the theme of minimal maintenance, though – a focus of almost every one of our customers – we recommend being mindful of the materials you use.

Wood decking has historically been inexpensive but does have a limited life span and also can require quite a bit of maintenance to keep it looking good and hazard-free. Poured smooth, brushed, or stamped concrete can make a great patio or walkway, but durability can be an issue and maintenance is required in the form of cleaning and sealing.

For optimal durability and ease of maintenance, precast or natural stone pavers are ideal. The range of colours, textures, and styles is virtually limitless and a stone patio or walkway can be straight/square or round/curvy, so you can be sure to find the right look to complement your home’s exterior.

And if you like the look of stone, smaller-sized decorative stone like river rock, lava rock, quartz, peastone, granite, and dolomite can be used in lieu of mulch in flowerbeds, in between large pavers in walkways and patios, and in and around water features.

Visual Impact

Visual impact adds value to your home lush gardens around poolPlants, trees, and shrubs can be used to camouflage imperfections, add privacy, and enhance the existing beauty around your home’s exterior and yard. For example, an exposed foundation can make a home appear old and unkempt. But, planting a balanced selection of plants and shrubs appropriate for the location’s sun exposure can add depth and colour, providing a welcome distraction from your foundation’s drab, grey expanse.

Exposure to winds or neighbouring properties can make backyard living less enjoyable than it should be. Planting a row of trees, shrubs, or ornamental grass can add shelter and/or privacy. Consider mixing shrubs or grasses with fence panels for increased visual interest.


Water feature bubbling rock serene serenity peaceful atmosphereAdd unique atmosphere to your outdoor living areas, walkways, and/or front entrance with lighting and water. Ponds, streams, waterfalls, fountains, and bubbling rocks add an audio-visual element that has a universally relaxing effect. And including lighting along walkways, trees, water features, pools, and patios enhances outdoor safety and enjoyment after the sun goes down.

There are a multitude of ways to improve your landscaping for added quality of life and value. Starting with a plan can help you get focused and establish a budget. If you’re planning some upgrades this year, but don’t want to go it alone, we’re here to help. Drop us a note to let us know what your goals are and we’ll help you get there.

What’s Your Landscape Design Style?

What’s Your Landscape Design Style?

Landscaping is a fantastic way to upgrade your home’s exterior. Done right, it improves curb appeal and enhances your enjoyment and the functionality of your outdoor environment.

And, like the clothing and home décor you choose, landscaping also provides an excellent opportunity to express your personal style. You may have inherited an already established landscape design when you moved into your home. Or you may have previously defaulted to a style that you thought suited your home’s exterior style.

While matching the style of your home may be a factor you want to consider, the design can be updated to better reflect your personal style as well.

If you haven’t given much thought to your landscaping style, we’ll outline the major styles, their differences, and their defining elements. When we get right down to it, there are really only two principal styles – traditional and contemporary (or “modern”) – with many substyles that can play a role in the overall design.

Traditional landscaping with native plants

An example of a traditional garden design overflowing with a mixture of native plants and flowers

Traditional Landscape Design

The traditional landscaping style tends to be associated with soft or curved lines, more rustic, textural materials in muted, mottled tones, and a balanced mixture of softscaping, hardscaping, and water elements that create a relaxed, laid back atmosphere. More often than not, traditional landscape design tends to be associated with the “informal” style. Because of its more free-flowing lines, a traditionally designed landscape can be more desirable for those wanting a lower maintenance outdoor living area.

Contemporary Landscape Design

On the other end of the spectrum, modern landscape design employs straight lines, clean edges, and sharp angles. Contemporary landscapes offer steep contrast in colour, with lots of symmetry in the shape and size of its elements. Hardscaping materials tend to be flat with a matte or polished finish. These attributes lend to what is generally considered a more “formal” style and also tend to demand more work to maintain the shapes and symmetrical appearance.

modern landscape design clean lines right angles monochromatic hardscaping retaining wall

Elements of modern landscape design – clean lines, right angles, and monochromatic colour scheme

Generally speaking, while most landscape designs may primarily be classified as traditional or modern, they really fall somewhere in between. Besides your personal style, here are many good reasons for a hybrid design, including:

  • Soil conditions and light exposure
  • How you use your yard
  • Your proclivity for garden maintenance
  • Your home’s exterior style

Substyles and Themes

If you don’t want your yard to be purely traditional or one hundred percent contemporary, below are a few substyles/themes you can work into your design.


Plants and trees are indigenous to Ontario/Canada. These not only attract birds, bees, butterflies, and other native wildlife, but also tend to require less maintenance because they’re well-adapted to our climate.


This type of landscaping reduces or eliminates the need for supplemental watering through the use of above-ground or underground water collection and circulation techniques in conjunction with more drought-tolerant plant and tree varieties.


asian inspired traditional landscape design natural flagstone walkway native plants and shrubs pagoda

An example of Asian-inspired traditional landscape design with flagstone walkway


Elements can include a pergola, gate, trickling water feature, ornamental grasses, koi pond, walkway or labyrinth, and soft lighting.

English Garden

Lush green lawns with one or more sitting areas among large, colourful gardens, overflowing with flowers, plants, and trees that attract a range of pollinators.


Plants and materials are sustainably sourced and managed. Can be easily combined with Native and/or Xeriscape themes.


Incorporates wood and natural stone into decks, patios, walkways, fencing, sheltering structures, and retaining walls.

So, what’s your landscape style? Hopefully, this guide has provided some insights. If you’re having trouble deciding, we’re just a call or email away.