Intricate Labyrinth, Stone Walkway, and Water Feature

Intricate Labyrinth, Stone Walkway, and Water Feature

Intricate Labyrinth, Stone Walkway & Patio

Stone labyrinth, patio, and walkway by A Touch of Dutch Stratford

Project Year: 2016
Budget Range: $70,000+
Location: Stratford, Ontario


This large, unique project was completed in the fall of 2016 and included a detailed stone labyrinth, interlocking brick walkway and patio, a calming pondless stream, and a wide array of native perennials.


This project included the following elements:


  • Labyrinth
  • Stone Walkway
  • Pondless stream
  • Armour Stone
  • Terraced flower bed
  • Raised patio
  • Native plants
  • Trafalgar Pavers (Permacon)
  • Rosemount Pavers (Permacon)


  • Labyrinth
  • Stone Walkway
  • Pondless stream
  • Armour Stone
  • Terraced flower bed
  • Raised patio
  • Native plants
  • Trafalgar Pavers (Permacon)
  • Rosemount Pavers (Permacon)
Adding Curb Appeal to a New Home

Adding Curb Appeal to a New Home

Adding a Curb Appeal to a New Home 

Hardscaping and softscaping walkway permacon pavers chisel steps perennialsProject Year: 2016
Budget Range: $10,000 – $15,000
Location: Tavistock, Ontario

Our clients had recently moved into a beautiful, new home and wanted to create a decorative flower bed around the flag post they had installed in the front yard.  Their new home was on a busy street and so of course they wanted to add landscaping that would enhance their home’s curb appeal. 

In the flower bed surrounding the flagpole, we planted groups of ornamental grasses, Black-Eyed Susan (“Rudbeckia”), Purple Cone Flower (“Echinacea”), and some mounding evergreen shrubs.

We were also asked to create a beautiful but practical landing for front step that would compliment their home. So, we added chisel steps from Ed’s Concrete to the front porch and used Terramo Pavers from Permacon to create a beautiful walkway.



Adding Low-Maintenance, Colourful Gardens Around Pool

Adding Low-Maintenance, Colourful Gardens Around Pool

Adding Low-Maintenance, Colourful Gardens Around Pool

Adding a low-maintenance but colourful garden to pool areaProject Year: 2012
Budget Range: < $5,000
Location: Stratford, Ontario

Our client wanted to add lots of colour to pool area. However they also wanted low-maintenance landscaping.

As such, we added added large, natural stone (supplied by the customer). In addition we planted lots of perennials in different sizes and shapes and with different peak blooming times so that there are different items of visual interest at different times throughout the season.

Perennials used include ornamental grasses, Coral Bells (Heuchera), and Siberian Bugloss (Brunnera).


Adding Privacy & Visual Interest to Corner Lot

Adding Privacy & Visual Interest to Corner Lot

Adding Privacy to a Corner Lot Backyard Oasis

Raised flower bed with perennial flowers, shrubs and treesProject Year: 2018
Budget Range: $50,000+
Location: Stratford, Ontario

Our client wanted to improve the curb appeal of their corner property. But because corner lots are generally exposed to neighbourhood traffic on two sides, they also wanted to add beautiful and effective privacy measures.

The goal was to create a backyard oasis including a sitting space whose privacy could be achieved without having to use a solid fence line.  The client also wanted to experience the soothing sounds of a waterfall without the maintenance of a pond.

We added a raised flower bed with armour stone retaining wall with a stepping stone walkway alongside and a variety of trees, shrubs and plants to soften the overall appearance.

The new raised stone patio surrounds the home and adds more seating space that’s made private using sections of fence panels and shrubs along the side of the property. And the oasis was completed with a gurgling, pondless waterfall that can be heard from the patio.

The home’s appearance has been improved on all sides, but the view from the street has now been obscured, significantly increasing privacy and enjoyment of the homeowner’s backyard.

This project included the following elements:


  • Celtik Wall (Permacon)
  • Rosebel Slabs (Permacon)
  • Pondless waterfall
  • Armour stone
  • Terraced flower bed
  • Raised patio
  • Privacy for corner lot
  • Waterfall
  • Stepping stones


  • Celtik Wall (Permacon)
  • Rosebel slabs (Permacon)
  • Pondless waterfall
  • Armour Stone
  • Terraced flower bed
  • Raised patio
  • Privacy for corner lot
  • Waterfall
  • Stepping stones
Large Koi Pond with Waterfall

Large Koi Pond with Waterfall

Large Koi Pond

Large above-ground koi pond built by A Touch of Dutch LandscapingProject Year: 2018
Budget Range: $25,000 – $50,000
Location: Perth County

Our client contacted us because he wanted to build a pond in this specific area beside his deck. He’s wheelchair-bound and wanted to be able to see the pond from both the upper and lower levels. We installed the pond so that the surface was as close to the lower deck level as possible.

The original fire escape ramp was moved to the side of the deck. Then we added a bridge to the middle of the pond where he can watch his fish up close.

The biggest challenge was the steep slope of the back yard, which meant we had to raise the back about 5′ to keep the pond level. The armour stone retaining wall blends in well with the home and surroundings. It will also provide a perfect backdrop for plants, trees, and shrubs, to be added in the next phase of development.